Compact Force-Feedback Devices

Desktop 6D

Compact device with 6 degrees of freedom, all with active force-feedback

The perfect desktop tool, as the 6 degree of freedom (DOF) comes with force feedback and high resolution measurements.

The Desktop 6D is simply one of the best fully active haptic device in a Desktop size. It provides 6 active degrees of freedom, in other words force feedback on both translations and rotations. In addition its ergonomics handle integrates an analog trigger and one programmable button. An extra button-box provides 3 additional programmable buttons and an activation sensor.

The Desktop 6D has been designed with the goal to pass on the efforts with a very high level of fidelity and transparence, while still maintaining a minimal footprint.

Based on a serial architecture, the device offers extended possibilities of movements in its translations and in its rotation while having a contained size.

Thanks to its static gravity compensation, it is even possible to use the Desktop 6D in an upside-down configuration without impacting the level of force feedback and the workspace.


Based on the same API as our Virtuose, the included Software API enables programmers to benefit from high versatility  when working on various applications.

Drivers (binary and/or source code) available for: C++, C Python™ for IPSI™, ROS™, ROS2™, CHAI3D™, ODE™, Matlab Simulink™, LabVIEW™

Available platforms :

  •  Microsoft Windows

  •  Linux

Comphehensive documentation enables developers to implement the communication protocol between Haption force-feedback devices and user control software. Please note, source code for the API is not included as part of this offering.

Notice that each Haption haptic device is delivered with an easy to setup Demo that permits the user to test the product features when it is received, and then at any time.

The Desktop is also compatible with our range of software solutions, which allow you to directly use the device in CAD software to perform assembly simulation and in 3D game engines to generate even more realistic immersive experiences.

Solutions for Unity, UnReal, and other real-time interactive simulation platforms by our Partners : LS Group, Tree-C, TOIA Ltd, …

Dedicated plug-ins for: 3DExperience™, Catia™ & Delmia™ V5, Solidworks™

Desktop 3D

Compact device with 6 degrees of freedom, including 3 active force feedback translations

More advanced than 3-DOF active force feedback : the Desktop 3D offers 6-DOF measurement in addition to the 3 active translations force feedback

The Desktop 3D is a smart device having 6 degree of freedom measurements with force feedback on the 3 translations.

The Desktop 3D provides positional feedback for all 3 rotations, though without force feedback on the rotations.

The Desktop 3D is used with success in research applications.

Does your application require the highest performance ?

Discover the Virtuose 6D, the Haption flagship product !