High Performance Force-Feedback Devices

Virtuose 6D

High force & large workspace, with 6 degrees of freedom all with active force-feedback

The perfect versatile tool!

The Virtuose 6D RV is the only product on the market combining a high force feedback in the 6 degrees of freedom with a large workspace. The Virtuose 6D RV is especially suited for scale one manipulations, for instance in simulation and virtual reality.

The handle of the Virtuose 6D RV has 3 user buttons.

The handle is replaceable, through its end effector tool changer via a connector (no tools required) which allows the use of different kinds of objects in order to replace the standard handle. For instance, you can use 3D printed objects to simulate your operation with even more realism!

Thanks to its design and the static gravity compensation, it is possible to use the Virtuose 6D in an upside-down configuration without impacting the level of force-feedback.

Find the perfect version of the VIRTUOSE for your application

High Force in the same form factor! Did you know that all the VIRTUOSE range of products are available in both Standard and in High Force Versions? The High Force Version, allows to double the level of force feedback available on the force-feedback device with same product form factor. High Force version is predestined for applications in need of a high level of force-feedback, in simulation as well as in teleoperation.

Robotic applications are covered by the Virtuose 6D TAO version, it is today in its High Force version the most advanced device for intensive industrial telerobotic usage.

The Virtuose 3D is the device having 6 degree of freedom measurements with force feedback on the 3 translations and without force feedback on the rotations. 


6 degrees of freedom, all with active force feedbacks

Designed for Simulation and Teleoperation, applications.


7 degrees of freedom, Including 6 active force feedback

Designed for Robot Teleoperation and for the Industrial Systems Integration.


6 degrees of freedom, Including 3 active force feedback translations

Designed for medical Rehabilitation and medical Robotic Co-manipulation


The same Software API, for all Virtuose and Desktop, enables programmers to benefit from high versatility when working on various applications.

Drivers (binary and/or source code) available for:

  • C++, C, ROS™, ROS2™

  • Python™ for IPSI™, CHAI3D™, ODE™, Matlab Simulink™, LabVIEW™

Available platforms :

  •  Microsoft Windows

  •  Linux

Comphehensive documentation enables developers to implement the communication protocol between Haption force-feedback devices and user control software. Please note, source code for the API is not included as part of this offering.

Notice that each Haption haptic device is delivered with an easy to setup Demo that permits the user to test the product features when it is received, and then at any time.

The device are also compatible with our range of software solutions, which allow you to directly use the device in CAD software to perform assembly simulation and in 3D game engines to generate even more realistic immersive experiences.

Dedicated plug-ins for: 3DExperience™, Catia™ & Delmia™ V5, Solidworks™

Solutions for Unity™ (Unity Technologies), Unreal™ Engine (Epic Games), and other real-time interactive simulation platforms by our Partners : LS Group™, Tree-C™, TOIA Ltd™, …


Virtuose 6D mounted on a extra large workspace motorized carrier

Better, bigger, stronger

The Scale1 is a motorized platform which enables the workspace of a Virtuose 6D RV haptic device to be extended. The force feedback of the Scale1 is therefore performed through the Virtuose 6D RV, the final solution becoming as such the haptic interface with the biggest workspace in the world.

The Scale1 is born from the will to escape from the restricted space of a standard haptic interface. In a few years, it became a masterpiece of engineering, installed at the most prestigious laboratories and companies. The Scale1 is considered the most upscale force-feedback product.

The Scale1 is mainly used in two different applications. On one side, the industrial companieswilling to simulate with as much realism as possible their assembly operations, maintenance processes, accessibility verifications, or their ergonomic assessments, in advance of the manufacturing phases, in conjunction with the prototyping steps. On the other side, the laboratories and universities decide to use this state-of-the-art haptic device to further interact with the immersive environments and push the acquired knowledge on human behaviors, cognitive science and different study topics which are using virtual reality as a vector.

The Scale1 design is entirely customizable. We can adapt it to the size of your room, to the size of your screen or to the dimensions of your CAVE. It is designed in different versions, from 1 to 3 degrees of freedom, and can carry one or two Virtuose 6D RV. A recent version even supports a seat for the user, allowing him to literally fly inside the immersive environment!

Most will describe the Scale1 as state-of-the-art in terms of haptic device. Do not hesitate to contact us to study the implementation of a Scale1 in your environment or for your specific project.

Connecting the Haption Force-Feedback Device to your 3D Simulation

Want to interface Haption device with your 3D parts ?

Since 2004 Haption is a partner of Dassault Systèmes (3ds™) offering the software plugins for Solidworks, Catia™, Delmia™ and 3DExperience™ to enable users to perform assembly simulation.

Want to interface Haption device with your 3D simulations ?

Our devices are used with third parties simulation software framework enabling the use of 3D game engines to generate even more realistic immersive experiences. Among them : Unity™, UnReal™, …