TeleRobotics Force-Feedback Device

Virtuose 6D TAO

Industrial grade force-feedback device designed for robotics applications

The Virtuose 6D TAO force-feedback device was developed in collaboration with our customers, to answer the needs of teleoperation and remote handling applications. The Virtuose 6D TAO device have proven their robustness with unmatched field experience for haptic devices. They already count many thousands of hours of operation and keep proving their reliability in the long run by being used on a daily basis for telerobotic operations and processes. 

The Virtuose 6D TAO High Force provides three times the level of force feedback available on the standard version. It is a version predestined for applications demanding a very high level of force feedback. This additional power is necessary for controlling robots with a payload capacity greater than 6 kg. It is well suited to control robots like Universal Robot™ UR10e/UR16e/UR20/UR30, KUKA™ KR, FANUC™, Stäubli™ TX2, Kawasaki™, ABB™, Yaskawa™, Comau™, or any other industrial robot as well as specific ruggedized robots.

The Virtuose 6D TAO is more dedicated to piloting small robots such as the Kinova™ Gen3 or the Universal Robot™ UR3e and UR5e, the Virtuose 6D TAO has great transparency which provides the operator with a very precise force feedback.

Like the Virtuose 6D they are also compatible with our range of software solutions, which allow you to directly use the device in CAD software to perform assembly simulation and in 3D game engines to generate even more realistic immersive experiences.

The Virtuose 6D TAO is a derived version of the Virtuose 6D haptic device, adapted specifically for the robotic and teleoperation markets. It is equipped with an extra button box, an ergonomic handle and uses either the Ethernet or EtherCAT communication protocol. 

The Virtuose 6D TAO benefits from the technological excellence and the extreme robustness of the Virtuose 6D VR, and is specially adapted to the needs of remote handling applications: bilateral control in Cartesian space, one hand and two hands usage, heavy objects handling, 3D simulation for training and mission planning.


The Haption generic teleoperation controller for an easy integration to control industrial robots

Force feedback is all about giving the user a better awareness. When performing robotic system remote control, it is important to have as much feedback as possible: a vision system to give you the seeing, potentially a microphone to help you hear the noise of the distant environment, and importantly a force-feedback manipulator to feel both robot movements and robot environment.

TREX, provides an immediate solution, with No-Code, to integrate force feedback teleoperation in a robotic system.