IV6 (3D Experience)
Based on Haption’s physics engine IPSITM, IV6 “IPSI for V6” is a CAAV6 plugin for 3D ExperienceTM dedicated to interactive assembly/maintenance simulation and human tasks. The plugin consists in two new toolbars within 3DEXPERIENCE:
IV6 Assembly Simulation provides tools to create an interactive physics scene
IV6 Human Tasks complements Assembly Simulation with interactive manikin functionalities
IV6 Assembly Simulation and IV6 Human Tasks are two separate plugins.
IV6 Human Tasks include all functionalities from IV6 Assembly Simulation
IV6 Assembly Simulation:
Works with all 3DEXPERIENCE data.
Allows to see and feel collisions
Records object motion as Tracks
Controls the precision down to sub-millimeter levels
Uses any kind of Haption haptic device, tracking system (ART, Motion Analysis, VICON, XSens), 6D USB mouse from 3Dconnexion
IV6 Human Tasks does everything Assembly Simulation does and also:
Transfer the geometry and kinematics of a 3DEXPERIENCE manikin to the physics simulation
Animates the manikin in real-time
Compute collisions in real-time
Use the first-person experience with the viewpoint of the manikin
Attaches haptic devices to the hand of the manikin
Controls all segments of the manikin using a full-body tracking system
Controls the manikin’s hands using data gloves
Records the motion of the manikin in real-time and store it as an XML file or a Gesture Activity
Replays the motion with or without collision